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by Platform Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for CalendarCalendar
PDARBXGGJJClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue in Check Schedules dialog where user was unable to drag and drop time bar to different time slot. Workaround...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
AYAVBTJDNXClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an intermittent crash in PaintWindowTab function.
JADGBW6SCEClient - Calendar - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where the options to set Background, Text Color and Entry Icon when adding a calendar were greyed...
XBYNBW6A55Notes - Mac Big Sur - Fixed an issue with Simplified Chinese Notes client where many text/words/settings shows as Traditional...
MSUNBVMRNRClient - Mac - Fixed an issue where additional line spacing was being used. The fix for this issue is behind an INI - set...
Hide details for InfoboxInfobox
AYAVBULECJClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue with Property Infobox where some fields were not able to be navigated to using...
Hide details for MailMail
JADGBUDJW8Client - Mac Big Sur - Fixed a crash that would occur when trying to right click on a folder and choose Design Folder.
Hide details for ViewView
JMEABY5S6AClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where views were not being updated after a delete or undo delete of a document.
Hide details for 11.0.1 FP211.0.1 FP2
Hide details for AlarmsAlarms
SLAE9PPJS8Client - Mac - Alarms - Fixed an issue where Notes would steal focus from the current application when a calendar alarm was displayed in...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
NPDIBRRD7QClient - Mac - Fixed an issue in meeting invidation where calendar date picker for custom date goes blank. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1...
AYAVBSCHYPClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where Notes client would crash on Big Sur. This regression was introduced in 11.0 and 10.0.1...
AYAVBUBCUDClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where Notes Views were not refreshing immediately after Delete, Move to folder or FT Search...
AYAVBTGFPRClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed a UI display issue where the Open menu had a line through it.
Hide details for EditorEditor
ATHNBQPBXLClient - Mac - Fixed an issue with spell check not detecting mis-spellings for Hungarian, Hebrew and Korean languages. This regression was introduced...
AYAVBU8JBYClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where full text search result highlights were highlighting the entire document instead of just the search...
AYAVBUJFVBClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where the caret in a read only document was not being displayed.
AYAVBNYEQFClient - Mac - Fixed an intermittent crash that would occur when scrolling the time zone control's drop down area. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for InfoboxInfobox
AYAVBTGFT7Client - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue on Big Sur where Infobox was displaying as blank.
Hide details for Roaming userRoaming user
ECRABQWFUYClient - Mac - Fixed an issue where Notes failed to launch on Mac OS 10.13 and 10.14 when roaming is enabled. This regression was introduced in...


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